God Is At Work
I hope you are doing well and continuing to trust in God during these times. I wanted to share with you all some of the ways I have seen God at work in our church and in my life during these past few months. As I am sure with you, there have been many ups and downs, but as I reflect back, I can see God working and doing amazing things in our community, church and in my life and many others lives.
One of the ways I have seen God working is through our life groups. I have been so encouraged with stories and the practical ways our life groups loved and cared for each other during these past few months. We were able to get just about all of our life groups set up on Zoom accounts and meeting with each other virtually, but it went way beyond that. Many groups were able to add new people and they were welcomed in and became part of the group. Some groups served together and brought food and meals to each other during this time and it was wonderful to see God working through His people.
I have also seen God at work in our Food Co-op. At first I was worried that we may have to shut down during this time (as many other food banks had to do), but our church has been so generous with food donations and support that we have been able to remain open and serve hundreds of people and families in need. Pretty much on a daily basis we are receiving food donations. We have also been able to deliver food to children and families in need at Nicholas and Richman Schools and also have brought food to many of our own families in the church and others who were not able to leave their house to get food. Thank you church family for all your donations and support!
One of the things God has been teaching me during all this is patience and waiting on Him. This has been and continues to be a struggle of mine as I like to have a plan and know what is coming. As we have probably all had to learn during this time, having a plan is difficult. Things have changed so much and so fast, that being able to adapt and change has been a challenge. I have felt a deeper dependency on God and trusting in His plan. This is not always easy, but it is good and exciting to see how He is working in my heart in that area.
I am so blessed to be part of this church family and have been so encouraged in seeing the church be the church during a difficult season. May we continue to seek God and submit to His will and the plans he has for our lives and our church.