The Mission

Mission & Vision

Our message: it’s all about Jesus.

Our mission: to help people find and follow Jesus.

Our vision: is be a free, flourishing, Jesus-centered community that empowers people to impact and lead in every sphere of life.  We see God raising up more leaders than our walls can contain and unleashing them into our surrounding communities and across the globe, leaving behind a legacy of love that will far outlive us all.

Our mission ​is to lead people to a growing relationship with Jesus, introducing more people each year in Fullerton and throughout Orange County to a God who loves them, who is active, and is relentless in pursuit of people.

Where do I fit in? We believe you matter. You matter to God and you matter to us. We invite you to join us in following our higher calling as God’s children by:

  1. Flourishing Together in Circles and Rows through Worship on Sunday mornings and life groups, kids’ programs, youth programscommunity life, and even sports.
  2. Being Difference Makers and serving our church and our community in love.  We want people at Wilshire to have a heart for the house (the church) and a heart for the city (both locally and globally).  We believe all of us are called to be leaders and make differences in the lives of those around us.
  3. Leaving Legacies of love and generosity by serving our God with our time and our treasure.  It’s about giving ourselves and our stuff to God and making disciples of Jesus through acts of compassion that will grow our local and global communities of Christ-followers and expand the reach of The Church for generations to come.
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