Life Groups
The church is not a place, building, or program. It is people. God has called us to be connected to one another in community. No matter what size a church is, one of the most difficult parts of joining a new church is connecting with new people. If you want to meet people and grow in your relationship with God, we believe being a part of life groups at Wilshire is the best path to take.
More information here.
Serving Ministries
At the heart of Jesus’ teaching was the missional command to love God, to love our neighbors, and to make fully devoted followers of Jesus.
At Wilshire Avenue, serving is vital to how we reach out and love our communities in very practical ways to help meet needs and, most importantly, share the love of Jesus.
Sign up to serve here.
Young Adult Ministries
Our young adult group is a place for 20- and 30- somethings to fellowship, study, and grow together. Includes some Sunday after-church lunches, book studies, and barbecues. For more information about events, email Meleca ( or Pastor Bryan (
Women's Ministries
As women of Wilshire Avenue, our desire is to reach women and for them to be rooted and renewed in the word of God, in order to respond to the needs within our church and local communities. Whether you are new to God’s word or deeply rooted in it, there is a place for you.
Register for the Women’s Retreat (April 29 – May 01) Here
For more information on women’s ministries at Wilshire, please contact us:
Boomers' Ministry
Boomers is a ministry to people born between 1946 – 1964 (51 – 69 approx.).
The purpose of Boomers ministry is to achieve the following:
1) Develop friendships with people in this age group and provide outreach opportunities through events and activities that are conducive to inviting friends and building camaraderie
2) Help each other grow spiritually and emotionally by encouraging each other, praying for each other, and participating in short devotionals at each event
3) Present opportunities which will allow each person to contribute to the missions and ministries of Wilshire Ave Community Church
4) Provide educational opportunities (as available) on subjects pertinent to the Boomer age group
If you wish to be placed on our e-mail distribution or mailing list, please see us at the Boomer Booth between services on Sunday Mornings or contact Lauren Carpenter 714/345-7088 or Barb Crockett 714/501-1417.
Seniors' Ministries
PRIME TIME is a ministry to senior adults of Wilshire Avenue Community Church and the community. The purpose of this ministry is to develop and implement a program which will:
- Encourage adults 65+ to become involved in the various ministries of the church.
- Keep adults 65+ informed regarding the various activities and services of the Prime Timers.
- Provide prayer support for those persons who are going through difficult times and a program which will provide encouragement and support for those adults 65+ who share similar life needs (i.e. singles, widows, widowers, etc.) working together with the staff, and the Crisis Intercessory Team.
- Provide adults 65+ with opportunities to fellowship with one another in an effort to build up one another in the faith through organized lunches, dinners and other social events.
- Provide adults 65+ with opportunities to participate in spiritually, physically and emotionally refreshing activities of one or more days duration such as day trips, retreats and conferences of interest to this group.
Join us on the last Tues. of each month for lunch at 11:30am and a special speaker or activity. Search our calendar for additional events and information. If you would like to receive our monthly Prime Time newsletter, contact Pastor El Roy Pankow at 714.526.2265 X102 or email at and we will add your name to the mailing list.
Grief Share
If you’ve lost a spouse, child, family member or friend, you’ve probably found that there are not many people who understand the deep hurt you feel.
That’s the reason for GriefShare, a special seminar and support group for people grieving the loss of someone close. This group is sponsored by people who understand what you are experiencing and want to offer you comfort and encouragement during this difficult time. Each GriefShare session includes a video seminar and group discussion. A GriefShare workbook assists you with note-taking, journaling, and grief study. The videos feature top experts on grief recovery, dramatic reenactments about living with grief, and real-life stories of people who have experienced loss.
You are welcome to begin attending the GriefShare group at any session. Each is “self-contained,” so you don’t have to attend in sequence. You will find encouragement and help whenever you begin. You will be able to continue with GriefShare through the next cycle and view any of the videos you have not seen.
GriefShare at Wilshire Avenue is held on Tuesday nights and is ongoing throughout the year. Register for GriefShare at