Watch Christmas services online right here!
We are a church dedicated to helping people find and follow Jesus. God calls us to this greater purpose: to love Him and love others. Through serving Fullerton and loving our communities, we strive to love our neighbors as ourselves and make differences in the lives of family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and people throughout the world now at Christmas time and all year long. Join us this year!
Something for Everyone at Christmas
[vc_separator_2 line_width=”50px” color_line=”#d9684b” padding_top=”20″ padding_bottom=”35″]& again on Dec 24 @ 3 & 4:30 PM” back_text_size=”14px” front_border_radius=”0px” front_border_color=”#f2f2f2″ back_link=”” back_border_radius=”0px” icon_type=”fontawesome” icon_fontawesome=”fab fa-youtube” font_icon_size=”24px” icon_back=”no” css_animation=”fadeInUp” front_head=”Celebrate at Home” front_bg_color=”#f2f2f2″ front_icon_color=”#d0583f” back_head=”Live & on demand” back_bg_color=”#d0583f” back_head_color=”#ffffff” back_text_color=”#f2f2f2″ back_border_color=”#d0583f”]
WA Kids for birth – 5th grade
with dinner afterwards” back_text_size=”14px” front_border_radius=”0px” front_border_color=”#f2f2f2″ back_border_radius=”0px” icon_type=”fontawesome” icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-holly-berry” font_icon_size=”24px” icon_back=”no” css_animation=”fadeInUp” front_head=”Dec 23 // 5:30 PM” front_bg_color=”#f2f2f2″ front_icon_color=”#8ca549″ back_head=”in the Worship Center” back_bg_color=”#8ca549″ back_head_color=”#ffffff” back_text_color=”#f2f2f2″ back_border_color=”#8ca549″ delay=”200″]
WA Kids for birth – 5th grade” back_text_size=”14px” front_border_radius=”0px” front_border_color=”#f2f2f2″ back_border_radius=”0px” icon_type=”fontawesome” icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-candy-cane” font_icon_size=”24px” icon_back=”no” css_animation=”fadeInUp” front_head=”Dec 24 // 3 PM & 4:30 PM” front_bg_color=”#f2f2f2″ front_icon_color=”#c1553f” back_head=”in the Worship Center” back_bg_color=”#c1553f” back_head_color=”#ffffff” back_text_color=”#f2f2f2″ back_border_color=”#c1553f” delay=”400″]
Our Message: It's all about Jesus
[vc_separator_2 line_width=”50px” color_line=”#d9684b” padding_top=”5″ padding_bottom=”15″]Wilshire’s vision is be a free, flourishing, Jesus-centered church community in the heart of downtown Fullerton that empowers people to impact and lead in every sphere of life. We see God raising up more leaders than our walls can contain and unleashing them into our surrounding cities and across the globe, leaving behind a legacy of love that will far outlive us all. More >>
We gather in circles (life groups during the week) and rows (weekend worship services). Whether online or in person, these gatherings are crucial ways that we build our relationships with Jesus and with others. Everyone is welcome.
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We want people at Wilshire to have a heart for the house (the church) and a heart for the city (local cities and those around the world). We believe all of us are called to be leaders and make differences in the lives of those around us.
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We’re about giving ourselves to God and making disciples of Jesus through acts of compassion that will grow our local and global communities of Christ-followers and expand the reach of The Church for generations to come.
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Our Local Mission
[vc_separator_2 line_width=”50px” color_line=”#d9684b” padding_top=”5″ padding_bottom=”15″]Wilshire Ave is a multigenerational church pursuing the next generation.
We want to introduce Jesus to kids, students, and families from all walks of life, in every circumstance.
Office Location
212 E. Wilshire Ave., Fullerton, CA 92832
One block from Harbor Blvd on the corner of Wilshire and Pomona in Downtown Fullerton.