I ❤ My City

[qbox title2=”Mark 12:29-31 NLT”]The most important commandment is this: “Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only Lord. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.” The second is equally important: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”[/qbox]

At Wilshire Avenue, serving is vital to how we reach out and love our communities in very practical ways to help meet needs and, most importantly, share the love of Jesus.

We have a lot of areas of service.  If you’re interested in joining our volunteer team, please fill out the form below, and we’ll be in touch with you soon.

Make a Difference

More on Local Outreach...

Heart of Downtown Food Co-op

Previously the Food Bank, with a new focus to get those being served to help operate the ministry and get involved with our church.  It will be open every other Sunday.  We need help picking up, receiving, and organizing food and packing the bags we give out during the week, and we also need volunteers on Sunday. WE NEED FOOD DONATIONS: We are always in need of donations for: peanut butter, jelly, cereal, and canned soups.  These can be brought to the church on Sundays.

Grocery Delivery to Local Section 8 Community

We need help once a month on the 3rd Thursday from 8:30 am to 10:30 am to help deliver pre-made bags of food to the residents at Fullerton City Lights apartments around the corner from the church.

Homeless Liaison Officer Support

We are supporting our 4 full time police officers who work specifically with the homeless in our community.  We are looking for donations of sleeping bags, bottles of water, jackets, bus passes, meal vouchers and hotel vouchers that they can have to hand out when needed.  Donations can be made online at coasttocoastfoundation.org or taken to the Police Station or dropped off here at the church.

Backpack Ministry through Giving Children Hope

Our new partner who provides backpacks of food to help families with emergency needs, also supplying low-cost resources for medical, dental, and other basic needs.  They also have a well-organized global reach.  We have adopted Orangethorpe Elementary as our school and fill backpacks each week for approximately 25 kids.  We need help during the week to fill the backpacks and pray over them before they are delivered to the school on Fridays.

Global Outreach

Our global reach ministry, partnering with Hope of Life for villages and people in desperate need in Guatemala and the people of our sister village, Colonia Noruega.  We will be sending teams to Guatemala at different times throughout the year.