Bible Text: James 4:1-10 | Speaker: Pastor Mark McCormick | Series: Faith & Works- Week 7 | Message Notes
James 4:1-5 describes selfishness and rebellion

How can we overcome selfishness and rebellion?

James shares three things:

Recognize the importance of grace.

James 4:6

Submit yourself to God

James 4:7

Draw near to God

James 4:8-10

Life Group Questions
Opening Question:

What was a toy or something you really wanted as a kid and never got?

Digging Deeper:

1. Read James 4:1-10. What stands out to you in these verses?

2. What does James say is the root cause of fights and quarrels between people in verse 2?

3. Look at verses 2-3, what are the two main behaviors that James criticizes?

Life Application

1. What are the selfish desires that tend to capture your attention? How does it affect your relationships with others? With God?

2. What does it mean to have friendship with the world? How do we balance being in the world but not being overcome by the world? What does it look like to live our lives as Christians in our world today?

3. Mark mentioned 3 areas that can help us overcome selfishness and rebellion. This first was to recognize the importance of grace. How have you experienced God’s grace in your life? Is it easy or difficult for you to show grace to others?

4. The second way mentioned was to submit yourself to God. What does that look like for you in your life? Why do we tend to struggle with fully submitting to God?

5. Third was to draw near to God. Why is this so important for to continually draw near to God? What are ways that you like to spend time with God? What can you do this week to draw closer to God?